Empowering seamless

relocation & integration

in Germany –

Digitally and Personally

The journey to founding Jetztpat had several inspiring waypoints, each shaping our mission to simplify the lives of those transitioning to Germany.

Our own Expat experience

We began our journey as expats in Japan, where the language barrier can be as challenging as it is in Germany. The difficulties and rewards of navigating a foreign culture really sparked our interest.

Supporting our American and Filipino family members

When our beloved ones relocated to Germany, we faced a maze of bureaucracy. This firsthand experience deepened our understanding of the unique challenges expats encounter.

Colleague queries

During the time at a Japanese company in Munich, colleagues from Japan often reached out with questions about daily life in Germany. This despite the presence of a relocation agency! It became clear that there was a need for a more comprehensive and personalized approach. Through these experiences, we realized that a holistic approach to expat support was essential.

With a collective vision and firsthand understanding of the expat journey, we founded Jetztpat.

Our mission is simple yet powerful: to help expats settle seamlessly into Germany, providing both digital and personal support.